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Budget Filmmaking



Budget Filmmaking


Zoom H1

This is the first audio recorder I would buy. Not only does it provide a good learning experience (as opposed to getting into a 32-bit float recorder right away) but it also has a lot of features that make it a great tool to keep on hand, even when you grow out of it. The features I really like are the numerical gain control (more precise than a turn dial) single button start and stop, as well as it being small and lightweight (good to mount on a camera cage without adding much weight).

*The Amazon, Ebay buttons are affiliate links (#ad) but the OFFER UP link just initiates a used item search.

Budget Filmmaking


Zoom H1n

I actually like the older H1 (because of the numerical gain and the "lock" switch) but this recorder is small and lightweight and can be a good tool as well. Most of the time I use this as a "passthrough" to back up audio coming from an external microphone (on the way to the camera) but its stereo mics can be good for capturing "ambient" nat. sound (just make sure to use a furry windscreen). This version doesn't have a "LOCK" feature (as version 1 does) so I would so don't leave the recorder in someone's pocket, where the REC. LEVEL dial could get moved.

*The Amazon, Ebay buttons are affiliate links (#ad) but the OFFER UP link just initiates a used item search.

Budget Filmmaking


Zoom H2n

​My primary use of this recorder is for capturing ambient audio using the built-in XY and MS (Mid-Side) mics, but it does have a 3.5mm mic input, so I'll log my test results for those too. So far, I prefer to only use the 4-channel (XY + MS) recording mode because I think it provides a more "REAL" sound, and more channels to work with in post.

*The Amazon, Ebay buttons are affiliate links (#ad) but the OFFER UP link just initiates a used item search.

Budget Filmmaking


Zoom F1

This recorder has the perfect form factor for mounting to the top of a camera cage, so I can use my #1 tip for audio recording: "Always back up your audio (using a passthrough)." I would prefer more numerical gain steps (0-100) vs. the LOW, MID, HIGH increments. It doesn't include built-in stereo mics (like the H1, H1n) but Zoom does offer a variety of add-on mics. P.S. The battery door is a pain.

*The Amazon, Ebay buttons are affiliate links (#ad) but the OFFER UP link just initiates a used item search.

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Budget Filmmaking


Zoom F2

Okay, so I just got this little audio recorder (and have big plans for it). The first thing I'll say about this recorder, is that even though it records a 32-bit float file, it does NOT use dual A/D converters to capture as high of a "dynamic range" as say the Zoom F3 or F6. Having said this, I've still got a few experiments to try because I believe this thing could have a real impact on my audio workflow. (More to come on this, but you can listen to my podcast about this for a teaser.)

*The Amazon, Ebay buttons are affiliate links (#ad) but the OFFER UP link just initiates a used item search.

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